For our important client we are processing, apart from other solutions, also solutions stated below:
Processing of source extracts and filling of DWH targets (Data Warehouse)
- Processing of source extracts and filling of DWH targets – ETL development (most of all in project CDS – Central data warhouse)
- Register of economic subjects
- FDS – Fraud detection system
- Organizational structure
- Finforce
Datamarts and reporting
- Datamart PMT – Portfolio Management Tool
- Datamart KBCALM – Risk solution – Reporting into KBC
- Reporting for Poštovní spořitelnu
- Tarification
- ETL development of other datamarts
- Mass optimization of extracts
- Acceleration of datas load from source systems into Teradata (DWH)
- Optimization of consolidation client
- Optimization of runs in different datamarts in Teradata (DWH)
- Solving processing problems
Web aplication
- PCC – Process Control Center
- DPM – distributional portal MIS
- Audit Commander
- DSA – Development Support Application
- Control report above Informatica
- Conectors into Informatica
- INFA Components
Support of DWH
XML conversion